Community Options

Family Support

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Family Support provides services to families in our community who have a family member with extra support needs.

Family Support is family driven which means there is a true partnership between the family and COCF. It is our desire to encourage and equip families to grow in resilience and capability.

About Family Support

The services are comprehensive, flexible, and individualized.

Services are provided on an as-needed basis with respect for the family’s culture, needs, values and preferences.

Services include Individualized Support, Sibshops, Parent Workshops, and Spring & Summer Funding for families.

The purpose of these services is to:

  • Connect families with each other and with vital resources
  • Equip families with skills and knowledge to promote resilience and well-being
  • Educate families, and when invited, advocate for and with them to access community resources, organizations, and strategies to meet their needs

Developing a resource library/database is an ongoing project for us to support families in finding current, accurate and helpful information.

Referrals come directly from the family or from community partners such as social workers and school staff. Inquiries are always welcome.

Parent & Family Education

A variety of educational opportunities are available to parents or family members who are currently being served through the respite or family support program and/or have an active membership with Community Options. Workshops and seminars will be offered to members and open to public participation. The most recent workshop topic was “An Introduction to ACT” presented in collaboration with FIVE Behaviour Services. In summer and fall 2023, Community Options will host “Employment: the Gold Standard for Inclusion”, a presentation created by the Youth Success Strategy project in collaboration with  the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) and funded by national partners.

Lending Library

Our Lending Library includes books for all family members. We have recently added a number of new titles on parenting (if a book can help with that!) and several young adult fiction selections that portray neurodiverse characters. The Coordinator recommends “As Simple as it Seems,” featuring 12 year old Verbena Colter, struggling to navigate life’s many complications,  along with coping with the effects of FASD.


Events are organized for families to socialize, have fun, and make connections with other families.

Sibkids & Sibteens Workshops

Children aged 7-15 who have a brother or sister with special needs are invited to join this program. SIBSHOPs participants meet other children, share their circumstances, learn more about their own sibling, discuss common concerns and take part in varied recreational activities.

Each session is structured to include high energy, active portions and more relaxed, thoughtful portions to meet the needs of all participants. Sibshops workshops are not group therapy sessions.

Both SIBKIDs and SIBTEENS are recreational groups that create room for mutually supportive friendships to form among kids having fun together. They also offer the input of a trained facilitator to guide children in sharing and processing their questions, emotions and experiences around their family member with a disability.

SIBKIDs is held monthly on Saturdays for four hours from 10:30 am – 2:30 pm. Participants can attend one, several or all sessions. Each session’s activities and discussion topics will be unique. Participants will bring their own bag lunch, and healthy snacks will be provided by COCF in the morning and afternoon.

SIBTEENS meets monthly on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 pm – 8:00pm. The activities, crafts and games for this age group are planned with input from the group members. Each month, a shared meal is prepared and then enjoyed together to build a sense of community.

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