Community Options

Home Share

About Home Sharing

Home sharing is a full-time 24/7 residential option in which an adult with a developmental disability lives with a skilled home share contractor through Community Options. Home Sharing enables individuals to live in supportive homes in the community and have lifestyles that promote their dignity, self-determination, and community involvement. The individual has opportunities to grow, develop relationships, learn, and make choices for themselves. Home sharing creates a stronger more welcoming and inclusive community which benefits us all. Community Options Home Sharing provides safe, nurturing residential arrangements. Home Share providers welcome persons served into their home, sharing their space and responsibilities. For those who are unable to make some decisions for themselves, they can get assistance from their families or may have a representative appointed under Adult Guardianship legislation.

Home Sharing is funded by Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) who also refer individuals to Community Options. Community Options does not maintain a waitlist or apply fees.

Community Options receives funding from CLBC on behalf of individuals who choose to live in a Home Share arrangement. Community Options disperses the funds to Home Share providers on their behalf.

Home Sharing arrangements vary, depending on the situation and the unique needs of the person served. Individuals might live with a family, a single provider or a couple. The home share contractor can either own or rent the home. The people involved share not only their physical spaces but also their lives. They spend a lot of time together and are actively involved in one another’s daily activities. In some situations, the home sharing arrangement is characterized by more independent relationships where people go their own ways and then come together at specific times or for specific purposes.

Adult Service Coordinators

Mary-Lynn Sachowski, Adult Services Coordinator

Georgia Toevs, Adult Services Coordinator

Tabetha Telford, Adult Services Coordinator

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